Nse Ufot

Nsé Ufot is the founder of New South Super PAC and was the founding chief executive officer of the New Georgia Project (NGP) and its affiliate, New Georgia Project Action Fund (NGP AF). Nsé lead both organizations with a data-informed approach and a commitment to developing tools that make it easier for every voter to engage in every election. Nsé and her team lead the development of Georgia’s home-grown talent by training and organizing with local activists across the state. She has dedicated her life and career to working on civil, human and workers’ rights issues and leads two organizations whose complementary aim is to strengthen Georgia’s democracy.

Under Nsé’s leadership, NGP has registered nearly 700,000 Georgians to vote. Nsé has been a driving force in merging civil rights advocacy with technology, allowing her team of organizers to have high quality conversations with first time and infrequent voters, in person, and via one of the mobile apps built by the voting rights organization. Nse’s commitment to deploying effective, established methods of civil rights and community organizing, is matched by her commitment to innovating and advancing those methods by leveraging art, culture, and technology. Her research and advocacy around using block chain as a tool to combat voter suppression, and the video games that NGP builds that are designed to de-mystify how government and elections work, have made her a recognized leader in various national and international pro-democracy, civic engagement, and voter education spaces.

Nsé has appeared in local and national news outlets to discuss her work, including All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, Salon and The Root. Additionally, she has served as a panelist on the national stage at SXSW and Netroots Nation, and her work was featured in BET’s Finding Justice docu-series. Nse, is featured in the PBS documenry, And She Could Be Next, executive produced by Emmy Award winner Ava Duvernay.

Prior to joining the New Georgia Project, Nsé worked as the assistant executive director for the Canadian Association of University Teachers, Canada's largest faculty union. She also served as the senior lobbyist and government relations officer for the American Association of University Professors where she coordinated initiatives for mobilizing members around legislation and regulations that impacted higher education and labor law.

Nsé, a proud naturalized citizen, was born in Nigeria and raised in Southwest Atlanta. She earned a Bachelor of Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Dayton School of Law. Nsé is an avid cyclist that enjoys international travel, as well as listening and playing music from the African Diaspora. 


Neidi Dominguez, Board Member